Wednesday, May 11, 2016

Oh the Weather outside is...

So we've been having some very confusing weather seems like Spring can't make up its mind! One day it's sunny and hot, and the next day it's rainy, windy, and cold! The rain certainly puts a damper on all those fun outdoor spring activities we could be doing!

TASK 1: Brush up on your weather vocabulary by completing this Weather Wordsearch

TASK 2: What's your favorite type of weather and why?
Leave a comment telling your teacher and your classmates what your favorite type of weather is and three reasons why and or activities you like to do in it.
For example: I like sunny warm weather. When it's warm and sunny, I like to go to the park with my puppy. I also like to go to the beach. Everyone seems to be happier when the weather is sunny and warm.

For BONUS points, fill out this Weather Chart with your parents and bring it in when you've finished to compare it with your classmates' charts!

Want even more? Find out how the weather is predicted by watching this video from Crash Course Kids:

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